OPLATZ BOX – The Refugee Movement Is The Movement Of The 21st Century
Sista Mimi
Sista Mimi was very present in both the Oranienplatz movement and also in the school. And she was the person who, for the first time, was really playing the right role as the mediator between the politicians, for example, and the relevant people in the school, because she was one of us and she spoke the language and she was fearless. She brought that very courageous voice that was not translated and was in direct communication with both the states and the relevant authorities.
And was she also a co-founder of International Movements?
No, she was not. She was not part of the international space. She was the one who actually brought Monica Hermann to the space when she said she wanted to visit the school. Then she was the one who for the first time came and gave us this insider information. “Well, I am in contact with the incoming mayor, and she’s interested in coming to the school. And she would like to visit your women’s space.” So she’s the one who brought Monica Herman before she was mayor to our space, but she was not organizing in the [inaudible, women’s space?]. And she was not living in the school. Until the end, after the eviction. Then she was able to stay in the women’s wing of the women.
OPLATZBOX is a mobile archive dedicated to the feminist struggle in the Refugee Resistance Movement with a focus on testimonies and visions of women* and queers from Black, Indigenous, migrant and People of Colour communities. Showcasing films, podcasts, publications and ephemera gathered and produced by International Women* Space / IW*S across 10 years as well as art works, performances, radio programs, poetry, music and talks OPLATZBOX is a temporary education centre of migrant anticolonial knowledges open to all over a period 5 days.
A monument to the resistance and worldmaking of Black women* that shaped the fabric of the refugee movement and its enduring legacy, OPLATZBOX is part of the arts and culture festival “Oplatz wird 10 – Baustelle Migration“. Ten years after the beginning of the occupation of Oranienplatz square, the festival organized by IW*S celebrates the empowerment histories of the Refugee Resistance Movement in Berlin and makes proposals for a diverse, postcolonial, grassroots democratic, and postmigrant society.
International Women* Space was founded as a radical feminist wing of the Refugee Resistance Movement in Berlin, which emerged from the protest occupation of Oranienplatz square in Kreuzberg in 2012. From the beginning, the self-organized making of culture based on the lives, struggles, histories and visions of migrant women, dykes, intersex, non-binary and trans people has been an important focus in the work of IW*S.
“Women* who had become refugees in their own regions before attempting to reach Europe through the deadly routes available. Women* fleeing war, poverty, environmental disaster caused by corporation’s greed, women* feeling persecution for not conforming to the gender they were assigned at birth. … we needed to speak to each other to understand the paradox of seeking protection in one of the western countries, knowing the roles they play in destabilizing our regions, through wars and neo-colonialism. In a less insane world this would be the last place we would choose.”
IW*S propose that listening to one another and creating records of survival in the face of violence, erasure, death and deportation are the base for creating strategies for a common struggle, for working on transformation together. A grassroots archive of resilience, achievement and loss, OPLATZBOX amplifies this Black, migrant, queer feminist take on decolonization put into practice through feminist self-organising.
Addressing the violent repercussions of colonialism, the dangerous migration routes, the fortressed borders to Europe, the realities of deeply engrained structural racism in Germany, the testimonies and reflections document migration as a political movement. A feminist anti-racist, anticolonial movement that connects a multiplicity of BIPOC and migrant histories and struggles in and beyond Germany.
OPLATZBOX is the first manifestation of the transterritorial decolonial feminist network WHEN THE JACKAL LEAVES THE SUN: Decentering Restitution | Pedagogies of Repossession.